5303 N Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando, FL 32810


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4 Benefits of a Trash Compactor Service in Orlando

4 Benefits of a Trash Compactor Service in Orlando

Trash compacting reduces larger volumes of trash into smaller, more compressed units using specialized trash compactor machines. For commercial companies and other organizations that produce large amounts of refuse, a professional trash compactor service in Orlando has various benefits beyond typical disposal methods. Our experts offer the following reasons why more businesses are using trash compaction to boost operations. It simplifies business waste handling. Refuse c...

Reasons to Invest in a Certified Shredding Service

Reasons to Invest in a Certified Shredding Service

The need for secure paper document destruction increases as organizations and businesses continue choosing paperless business options. Most companies prefer to hire certified shredding services to take care of their paper shredding instead of doing the job in the office. Hiring a document shredding company can save your business money and time and ensure that your documents are appropriately shredded for privacy concerns. Why document shredding matters. It is environment...

4 Benefits of Recycling Paper Products

4 Benefits of Recycling Paper Products

Even in our technology-driven world, people consume obscene amounts of paper. The EPA estimates that Americans consume 70 million tons of paper per year in the United States alone. Yet, around 70% of paper waste is recycled in our country. Saving landfill space, water, and energy are just some of the advantages of recycling paper. In addition, recycling paper can help to reduce greenhouse gases and produce a cost-saving and sustainable fiber for making new paper products. Experts offer these ...

Tis’ the Season for Recycling

Tis’ the Season for Recycling

With the holidays closing in and most Americans far too busy to go out and do holiday shopping, we are all likely to be receiving tons of boxes on our doorsteps in the coming month. However, the Christmas season is a time to be merry and joyful, so we should all be prepared to give the earth and our communities a virtual gift by recycling all that cardboard. Many cities have created recycling programs that encourage eco-friendly habits during the holidays and year-round. Some offer ...

How to Stop Contaminating Your Recycling Bin

How to Stop Contaminating Your Recycling Bin

Did you know that you need to clean out your jars before recycling them?  Many people do not consider the fact that they ruin the entire contents of your recycling bin if you do not remove food residue from containers before tossing them in.  This leads to the wasted recycling efforts of hundreds of bins.  As recycling center in Orlando, we educate our community on the proper way to recycle in their home or business.  One of these tips is to avoid contamination of their re...

Five Simple Tips to Increase Recycling in Your Home

Five Simple Tips to Increase Recycling in Your Home

Are you struggling to make the efforts to recycle?  Do you want to finally take the time to recycle and reuse materials in your home?  By starting small, you can be successful in any cardboard or paper recycling in Orlando that you want to try to increase.  Whether you want to reduce waste, save money, or just leave less of a carbon imprint on the world around you, you can recycle many materials, like aluminum, glass, paper, cardboard, and more.  These are a few tips to in...

Five Tips to Reduce All That Extra Waste When Shopping

Five Tips to Reduce All That Extra Waste When Shopping

Did you ever notice how many items you throw away when you are shopping?  Once you walk in the door with your purchase, whether they are retail, grocery, or household products, you likely throw away so many boxes and bags as you unpack.  Most of this waste is completely unnecessary.  By making the right changes to your shopping habits, you can reduce the waste associated with your shopping trips.  As a company that focuses on cardboard recycling in Orlando, we encourage ou...

Five Ways to Reduce Waste during Back-to-School Preparation

Five Ways to Reduce Waste during Back-to-School Preparation

It’s almost August, and that means that back-to-school items are starting to appear in the stores.  When the Fourth of July is over and the summer turns a corner, it is time to start preparing to go back to school in the fall.  Back-to-school shopping and preparing involves purchasing many new items, supplies, and clothes.  This can cause excessive waste when you are ...

Four Things You Should Know When You First Start Recycling

Four Things You Should Know When You First Start Recycling

When it comes to doing good things to make the planet better, recycling is likely one of the first actions that come to mind.  However, do you recycle in your home?  How about in your business?  When you notice that the recycling efforts are not there, it is up to you to step in and educate yourself on how to change this.  Our company offers quality paper and cardboard recycling in Orlando to increase these efforts community-wide, and we are here to help you get started.&n...

Five Recycling Tips that Every Home Should Follow

Five Recycling Tips that Every Home Should Follow

Are you looking to increase your recycling efforts at home?  Do you want to make sure that you are doing your part by recycling everything you can be?  When you follow the specific guidelines laid out by your recycling center in Orlando, recycling can be an easy task that makes a big impact.  As a homeowner, you can make it much simpler for you and your family to recycle at home.  These are a few tips to implement that will make it easy to recycle at home. Desig...

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