5303 N Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando, FL 32810


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7 Commonly Used Items That Are Worth Recycling

7 Commonly Used Items That Are Worth Recycling

Recycling is collecting and processing used materials repeatedly; otherwise, these items will be thrown into dumping sites as waste material and cannot be used again. Therefore, recycling is a valuable process that enables us to make useful items from recycled items. We must recycle certain items to prevent them from degrading and the pollution they will cause when left in an open environment. As a recycling center in Orlando, we help many communities in the area learn how to properly recycle...

Most Common Reusable Household Items

Most Common Reusable Household Items

Are you looking for ways to improve your recycling habits? Do you want to reduce the amount of waste that leaves your home each night? When you constantly lug large bags to the curb on trash night, you may find yourself asking for ways to reduce all that waste. Reusing household items is one of the best ways to encourage recycling and practice sustainable habits at home. As a recycling center in Orlando, we know all the best household items that can be easily reused many times. Clo...

Essential Reasons To Employ a Certified Shredding Service

Essential Reasons To Employ a Certified Shredding Service

As companies and institutions increasingly go paperless, the demand for secure obliteration of paper documents increases. While institutions can take on the job in-house, more and more are pivoting to certified document shredding in Orlando to manage the job for them. Whether they complete document shredding onsite or pick up your secure bins and carry the documents to a different location for shredding, shredding services offer institutions a useful service that conserves time and ...

How to Recycle the Right Way

How to Recycle the Right Way

Recycling is the process of taking materials that are discarded into the trash and repurposing them for other functions. By increasing your recycling practices, you can reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills or littering our planet. You also work to decrease the greenhouse gas emissions by reducing your levels of waste. As a recycling center in Orlando, we work to educate our community on the proper ways to recycle. These are a few tips to help you recycle the right way. ...

Why You Can't Recycle Greasy Pizza Boxes

Why You Can't Recycle Greasy Pizza Boxes

When you think of recycling, greasy pizza boxes are terrible. Seriously terrible. To understand why our experts on cardboard recycling in Orlando, look at how paper and cardboard recycling works. The heat cycles required for glass, metal, or plastic recycling can burn off small amounts of food remains. So unless there is an extreme amount of food left on recyclables, your glass, metal, and plastic will turn out just fine. But paper recycling is different. Because paper doe...

Four Great Reasons You Should Shred Your Important Documents

Four Great Reasons You Should Shred Your Important Documents

Do you take safety precautions when getting rid of your personal documents? Documents like bank statements and personal identification paperwork should be thoroughly shredded and disposed of safely to prevent any issues or theft. As professionals that offer certified document shredding in Orlando, we ensure that your paperwork is fully shredded and recycled to keep you safe. These are a few great reasons why you should shred your important documents before just tossing them aside. ...

Five Reasons You Might Need a Trash Compactor

Five Reasons You Might Need a Trash Compactor

A trash compactor service in Orlando can assist you in significantly reducing waste costs by decreasing the number of pick-ups required for your location. A compactor does precisely what you'd assume; it compresses trash so fewer pick-ups are required. The most continually operated size is 30 cubic yards. It demands an investment up front, but it can save quite a bit of capital over time. You're a higher trash generator. Does one 8-yard dumpster pick-up daily mee...

Four Advantages of Recycling Paper Products

Four Advantages of Recycling Paper Products

Even in our tech-driven world, people consume obscene quantities of paper. The EPA calculates that Americans use 70 million tons of paper every year in the US alone. Yet, about 70% of paper waste is reclaimed in our nation. Saving landfill area, water, and power are just some of the benefits of recycling paper. In addition, recycling paper helps reduce greenhouse gases and produces a cost-saving and sustainable fiber for creating new paper creations. Experts on certified document shredding in...

5 Recycling Benefits that May Surprise You

5 Recycling Benefits that May Surprise You

The recycling symbol is well recognized across the globe to help improve the state of our environment. Children across the world learn the terms “Reduce, reuse, recycle" to create a better environment for future generations. Most people know that recycling is a way to contribute to a better world. However, most people are not fully aware of the benefits that recycling offers. As a result, they hesitate to recycle based on the effort and time it takes to collect, separate, and send ...

7 Cardboard Recycling Benefits

7 Cardboard Recycling Benefits

Cardboard is one of America's most recycled materials. It is an ideal material for recycling because it is made of paper. Many types of cardboard, including dishes, tubes, and boxes, can be recycled, reused, and repurposed. However, oil or grease contaminated cardboard materials, like pizza boxes, are not eligible to be recycled. Our experts on cardboard recycling in Orlando offer the following benefits to recycling this common material: Wide range of usability We ca...

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